Tonico Lemos Auad 🌐

Du 9 février au 10 mars 2018

Stephen Friedman Gallery
25-28 Old Burlington Street
London, W1S 3AN

La troisième exposition personnelle de l’artiste brésilien présente ses recherches sur l’artisanat traditionnel. Auad célèbre les irrégularités produites par la main de l’artisan, les imperfections de chaque geste.

Born in northern Brazil and now living and working in London, Auad uses everyday materials to create his art. His forms are lyrical and often transient, made from a wide range of materials such as wool, linen, wood and stone. Through these components, viewers are treated to a variation of textile forms, sculptures and installations in this new show. Collaborations with a number of specialised craftspeople have allowed Auad to explore the crossover between craft, skill, tradition and cultural inheritance. A particular highlight of the exhibition are the small, hand-stitched rectangles in shades of white, black and red; individual for their unique combination of stitches and interwoven threads.