Fresh Goods : Acheter ses vêtements dans un ville de Nouvelle Angleterre, entre 1750 – 1900 🌐

Du 2 mars au 8 juillet 2018

Concord Museum
200 Lexington Road
MA 01742

Le titre de l’exposition est emprunté à un journal de 1818, annonçant des soldes dans un magasin de la ville.

In addition to seeing how people shopped hundreds of years ago, visitors will also have an opportunity to virtually shop a cross section of the Museum’s clothing collection through a specially-designed interactive experience that utilizes a modern online shopping platform. The whimsical online site allows visitors to playfully select fans, bags, shoes, and clothing for their ideal 18th or 19th wardrobe.

The Concord Museum in historic Concord, Massachusetts houses one of the oldest and most treasured collections in the country.