Magdalena Abakanowicz, Presence, Essence, Identity 🌐

du 30 septembre au 30 décembre 2018

The Old Mine Center for Science and Art
Park Wielokulturowy Stara Kopalnia
ul. Piotra Wysockiego 29

This presentation at Stara Kopalnia (The Old Mine Center for Science and Art) is a sequel to the exhibition Effigies of Life, A Tribute to Magdalena Abakanowicz (Wroclaw, 2017) curated by Mariusz Hermansdorfer and Maria Rus Bojan. This exhibition offers a new selection of works, celebrating the lifelong collaboration and friendship between Magdalena Abakanowicz (1930-2017) and the visionary curator and art historian Mariusz Hermansdorfer (1940-2018).