How to Make the Universe Right 🌐

Du 30 juillet 2017 au 7 janvier 2018

308 Charles E Young Dr N,
Los Angeles, CA 90024

L’exposition présente une grande sélection de rouleaux religieux, de vêtements de cérémonie et d’objets rituels des peuples Yao, Tày, Sán Dìu, Cao Lan, Sán Chay, Nùng et d’autres populations Vietnam du nord et du sud de la Chine. La plus part des pièces datent de la fin du XIXe siècle et du début du XXe.

Each group has their own traditions of educating and initiating priests and shamans, who serve as intermediaries between the physical and spiritual worlds and between the community and deities, in order to make the universe right through healing, balancing the forces of nature, and communicating with ancestors. Examples in the exhibition include vibrantly coloured and intricately embroidered ritual robes and headdresses worn by priests, and a spectacular set of eighteen scrolls of elaborately painted deities, made for those engaged in the higher levels of initiation. The exhibition also features a display evoking the shrines constructed for ceremonies, a film on contemporary religious practices in the region, and a selection of scrolls highlighting their recent conservation and what this has revealed.

All of the works on view are part of the Barry and Jill Kitnick Collection generously donated by the Kitnicks to the Fowler Museum at UCLA in 2015.