Connective Tissue: New Approaches to Fiber in Contemporary Native Art 🌐

Du 7 juillet 2017 au 21 janvier 2018

Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA)
108 Cathedral Place
Santa Fe
New Mexico

Des artistes qui portent leur intĂ©rĂȘt sur les matĂ©riaux et les techniques textiles share an. Cet intĂ©rĂȘt, les engage vers une critique sociale et politique car les techniques, trĂšs attachĂ©es aux stĂ©rĂ©otypes de genre liĂ©s Ă  des hĂ©ritages culturels, sont un moyen d’interroger celles-ci placĂ©es hors de leur contexte.

Contemporary artists who work in fiber art are very much aware of the rich traditions and history of this art form and medium. Consequently, one of the most common conceptual tools in fiber art involve the revival, innovation, or distortion of those traditions. Fiber as a medium appeals to many of these artists since the material’s tactility and versatility enables them to experiment and to produce unique, powerful artworks.