Du 1er septembre 2017 au 28 janvier 2018
Kunsthaus Dresden
StĂ€dtische Galerie fĂŒr Gegenwartskunst
RĂ€hnitzgasse 8
Dresden, Allemagne
Le textile est le cĆur de la nouvelle manifestation de lâIfa qui se penche sur des questions telles que : Quels messages et significations peut-on trouver dans le textile ? Quelle est la signification du matĂ©riau textile ? Comment peut-il ĂȘtre « lu » ?
A Dresde, lâexposition est « tissĂ©e » dans la structure de la ville en plusieurs Ă©vĂ©nements : expositions, workshops et performances, en collaboration avec les artistes locaux. Un lieu sur lâenseignement de Anni Albers et le Bauhaus est spĂ©cifiquement ouvert.
Lâexposition est appelĂ©e Ă ĂȘtre itinĂ©rante et Ă chaque nouveau lieu elle dĂ©veloppera de nouvelles collaborations et de nouveaux questionnements.
Textiles are a site where art encounters handicraft, where traditions meet the present day, where local knowledge intersects with global relationships. Almost every part of the world has witnessed the complex inscription of textiles into cultural and industrial history. A fabric can tell us a lot about when and where particular materials became important, the migration of technologies and the development of techniques. The artists link personal and aesthetic narratives with the social and economic circumstances of a globalized world.
The exhibition highlights the many and complex ways in which the participating artists have worked with textiles. The selection emphasizes both the transcultural dimensions of fabric and its entanglement in contemporary issues, examining how textile patterns and forms have developed under particular economic conditions and social structures.