Counter-Couture Handmade Fashion in an American Counterculture 🌐

Du 2 mars au 20 août 2017

The museum of arts and design
Jerome and Simona Chazen Building
2 Columbus Circle
New York
NY 10019

La mode faite main dans la contre-culture américaine.

L’exposition prĂ©sente les rĂ©alisations en tricot, broderie, quilt, teinture, de deux douzaines d’artistes ayant travaillĂ© dans les annĂ©es 60 et 70. Elle montre comment la mode est un champ ouvert pour l’artisanat et comment les designers ont explorĂ© ce chemin du concept au produit.

Counter-Couture: Handmade Fashion in an American Counterculture displays garments, jewelry, and accessories by American makers who crafted the very reality they craved, on the margins of society and yet at the center of an epochal shift. The works on display reflect the ethos of a generation of Counterculturists who—against the backdrop of the Vietnam War and the civil rights movement—rejected ideals of the American Dream that were rooted in consumerism and conformity, and interrogated a political establishment invested in maintaining the status quo. They embraced the vision of a new, homegrown civilization rooted in self-expression, self-reliance, an affirmative connection to nature, and ideas of love and community that deviated from the values of the traditional nuclear family.